Thursday 13 August 2009

6 Golden Rules for Good Guitar Care

How many of these rules do you follow? For more tips on guitar maintenance, and advice on buying a guitar to replace the one you've broken (!) check out the Nitty Gritty Guitar Book.

Golden Rule #1 - Carrying
- always use two hands to support the guitar when carrying it around
- avoid smacking it into door frames as you try and carry it dangling from one arm with your amp, music stand and coffee balanced in the other!

Golden Rule #2 - Heat
- never leave your precious guitar in areas subject to extreme temperature changes

Golden Rule #3 - Clean it!
- wipe it down with a cloth when you've finished playing to prolong string life
- Using talcum powder on the fingerboard before playing will reduce the effects of sweaty hands

Golden Rule # 4 - Get a case
- hard cases reduce the risk of accidental damage, and help to keep your guitar dust free and in tune.

Golden Rule #5 - Beware Belts!
- Belt buckle marks are a feature of many second hand instruments. Although not wearing a belt onstage doesn't look quite as cool, these kind of marks can really damage the resale value of your instrument.

Golden Rule #6 - Cigarettes!
- Various rock stars have made a habit of tucking a cigarette into gap between string and headstock at the neck, this is -not- a good idea. Cigarette burns on a guitar do not look cool, and will damage the resale value.

For more great tips on guitar care, and maintenance check out the Nitty Gritty Guitar Book, available NOW on

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