Tuesday 11 August 2009

Acoustic or Electric Guitar?

Are you thinking about learning the guitar, and wondering whether to go for an electric or an acoustic?

Although the decision should mainly be guided by the type of music you want to play, there are a number of factors that you need to consider. We'll run through some things to consider when buying your first guitar. For more, get your hands on a copy of 'The Nitty Gritty Guitar Book', the essential guide for buying the right guitar the right price.

1. Acoustic guitar are simpler, and cheaper because they do not have amplifiers and external effects, which can be a distraction when starting out.

2. Electric Guitars use lighter gauge strings, which are easier on the fingers, and a lower action, making them easier to press down. However, mistakes are more obvious on an acoustic, and there is a school of thought that says you should learn the basics on acoustic before progressing to electric.

3. Although electric guitars are easier to play, songs written for acoustics are generally simpler, slower, and written for one guitar, allowing you to play full songs alone.

4. If you are planning to play with others this could also impact your decision; as it can be hard for an acoustic guitar to be heard over crashing drums! However, this should not sway your decision completely, as there are ways of amplifying acoustics as well as electrics should the need arise.

Hopefully this article has given you an idea of some of the things you need to consider when choosing between an electric and an acoustic guitar. Of course there are many other important factors that you should also think about. For further information, and tips on finding, buying and maintaining the perfect guitar for you, check out The Nitty Gritty Guitar Book - the enthusiasts guide to buying and maintaining guitars.

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